So it's pleased to announced that Gloom.; Dahvie, has redid their skin tones so that now darker colours tones will be available as well! One thing I love about this designer is Dahvie is extremely nice, polite and also has good manners for customer service. I actually been a HUGE fan of Gloom. starting from Facebook! Not only their editing skills are amazing, but their products are as well. This is why I mainly stick to using Gloom. brand for nearly all my eyes and skins at times when it comes do it.
I wish Gloom. would update some of their older products to EVOX, but I understand that sometimes products don't do well and it takes time, but it's still wonderful that Gloom. is starting back to making darker tone based skin line! I had some of their previous darker tones and I just adored them! So please be sure to check out Glooms. Jen Melanin+ Skin! It's still currently out for sale for today!!
What am I wearing?
Hair: CAMO - Zoe Braids [New][@ Sabbath Event]
Head: Lelutka Evo X Zo 3.1
Skin: Gloom. - Jen Skin - Velour - Mali - Browless [New][For Weekend sale! Still available]
Eyes: REPULSE - Psychotic Eyes [New][@ The Dark Style Fair]
Body: REBORN by eBODY v1.69.6
Eyebrows: ::Loa:: Neu Brows
Tears: Jack Spoon. Dark Star Tears [New][PRevious round of The Fifty]
Lipstick: [POUT!] Ectoplasm Lips - HD Lipstick EVO X [New][@ The Dark Style Fair]
Nails: 1990 - Glitter Bats Set [New][@ FLF-o-Ween]
Tattoo: Leven Ink - Stygian 75% [New][@ The Dark Style Fair]
Tattoo 2: 1990 - Bat Hand Tattoo [Free gift at FLF-o-Ween]
Choker: - wraith - Sinister Choker [New][@ FLF-o-Ween]
Gauges: *TheEschaton* /CirqueBizzare/ XL Female BothEars [New][@ The Dark Style Fair]
Bracelet:[ kunst ] - Quinn bracelet
BROKEN ARROWS - Scary Curtain - Black (Silver) - Low [New][@ FLF-O-Ween]
[PS, Sorry no Travis stats today! This was mainly about me and the skin!]